Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I have a lazor level and I'm not afraid to use it!

In an attempt to avoid clean laundry mountain, I decided I would finally install Parker's closet organzier.  He doesn't have a dresser, so an organizer is kind of essential.  We bought the organizer almost a year ago.  It's time. 

For those of you who don't know, between Paul and I, I am the handy one.  When Paul and I started dating, Paul had just bought a BBQ.  He lived in an amazing little apartment in High Park, and it was just coming on the hot days of summer.  A BBQ would be perfect.  But days started to turn into weeks and I was getting antsy for this BBQ to be put together.  So one day when Paul was at work, I just did it myself.  In under 3 hours I might add.  Did it last, you ask?  6 years we had that BBQ and now my brother has it!  Damn straight it lasted!! 

So I've taken it upon myself to do some home improvements.  Hung the mirror in the front hall last week, that also, had been waiting for over a year.  And now I was going to tackle the closet. 

Well of course I had to document the progress!!


You can clearly see the closet is very bare and has no structure to it at all.  The last owners put up that make shift wood so they could put up another rail to hang clothes...but you can only hang so many of a 5 year olds sweaters! 

I had to drill holes in the wall and put anchors in.  No problem.  Done that before.  BUT I had to make sure they were all LEVEL.  EEK.  I decided to use Paul's new lazor level.  I love that thing!!

You can see the anchors going in nice and straight against my lazor line.  The thing sucks right to the wall and just stays there.  And then when you are done, you press the release button and it pops off and no marks!  Love it.  Wait a sec.  I'm forgetting something. 

Should I be WEARING those glasses?  OOPS. 

First bracket up, next one going up.  Just to be certain, I'll double check with a 'traditional' level. 

It's freaking PERFECT.  Ahhhh, is that not a thing of BEAUTY?!  My Dad would be so proud!  Funny how my perfectly level bracket is NOT level in my picture....oh well!

After the horizonal brackets were up, the vertical ones were easy.  Although they too had to be anchored.  What's with the over use of anchors anyways?  I tried to cheat and use one of those 'plugs' but drilled the hole too large and the darn plug just disappeared down the hole.  So, toggle bolts it is! 

You can see here the (almost) finished product. 

Parker was quite happy to have a special shelf just for his lego, to keep it up, out of Kiefer's reach.  It still seemed like it needed more to me.  So one more trip to Home Depot and voila!!


I added another shelf to the bottom on the left side and another shelf above the special lego shelf.  SO much neater and not the obscene amounts of hangers needed anymore!! 

SIGH.  I guess now that I have a place to PUT the clothes, I should get up there and fold them. 



  1. so, what time are you going to head over here to install mine :)
    You truly are an amazingly complex woman, my dear Krista. The longer I know you the more I wish I was like you. Back in the day I was handy and did all sorts of wonderful things...I think I just got tired and boring. You inspire me. Keep up your posts and one of these days I will get my ass in gear. xo

  2. You compliment me WAY too much!! Thanks Terri!! My head is growing as I type.....

  3. Hey,

    I am so glad I found your new blog, I enjoy reading about all of your adventures...great work on the closet :)
