Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Gaining perspective...

Once upon a time, in my young naïve youth, someone explained life to me in this way.

"Imagine the world, and your life, and all the little pieces of your life and how they interact with the world as a majestic painting. Removing your life from the painting would leave a white blank space and everyone looking at the painting would wonder, well why is there that blank space there?

Things happen to us. They happen to our loved ones and they happen to the world around us. But we don't always understand WHY they are happening. We don't always understand how they can possibly contribute to the good of the world.

Imagine that you are only but a small piece of this majestic painting.

Like this:

Does it make sense? Looks like a hot mess to me?

Or how about this?

Still not making much sense?

Maybe this one is better...

You still aren't getting it? But how could that be? This is a very famous painting by an amazing artist.

Look closer here:

Now are you seeing it?

No matter what diety you believe in, our lives are the result of an amazing artist. We don't always understand what is happening. We don't always like it, but one day, if we back up far enough, we'll get a glimpse of the bigger, amazing picture.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The truth is...

The truth is I'm just annoyed.

The truth is I'm overwhelmed.

The truth is I feel cheated.

The truth is I just want the world to turn off - even if just for one day. No, even if just for 5 minutes.

The truth is I'm so proud of my boys.

The truth is sometimes, I'm embarrassed of them too.

The truth is I'm tired of putting on a brave front.

The truth is I cry myself to sleep more than I admit - even to myself.

The truth is sometimes I talk to almost strangers about how proud I am or how awesome they are.

The truth is being a parent, to any child, is hard work.

The truth is I loved fried food. (Sorry Ash)

The truth is I love veggies and fruit too. (See Ash it's not all bad)

The truth is I REALLY don't want anyone's sympathy.

The truth is when people find out we have a child with ASD and epilepsy and they give me the puppy eyes and tilted head look, I literally want to punch you in the face.

The truth is, sometimes I DO feel sorry for myself. But I sure as hell don't want YOU to feel sorry for me.

The truth is sometimes I just want to bitch about how unfair the world is.

The truth is I really wish I could keep my kids in a bubble.

The truth is I seriously love Martha Stewart. That b!tch gone gansta y'all.

The truth is I miss my own spare time.

The truth is I never ever considered how much work 3 kids would be.

The truth is I never considered how hard marriage would be.

The truth is I'm scared to love someone as much as I love my husband. But I do.

The truth is I'm tired. And I'm tired of saying I'm tired.

The truth is being a step mom is a totally and completely thankless job. If you're doing it right. If you're doing wrong - it's hell on earth (so I've heard )

The truth is I HATE being an outlier. All boys. Step mom. Kid with ASD. All outliers. Not the norm.

The truth is I was going for normal.

The truth is I have panic attacks semi-regularly worrying about the safety of my kids.

The truth is...I'd like to hear your truth.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It's not fair...

My kids have this book called "It's not fair". It's really cute and show's just how silly arguments can be when you think something isn't fair. They actually love for me to read it to them.

Why'd I get the smaller half?
Why'd he get the bigger laugh?
Why can't I have a pet giraffe?

It's not fair!

Why can't I have curly locks?
Why can't I have my own box?
Why now chicken pox?!

It's not fair!

You get to stay up late? I have to go to bed at 8!
They said they would, but they didn't wait.

It's not fair!

Why don't you yell at her?
Hey! It was my turn to stir!
I don't know it's all a blur!

It's not fair!!

Why does she get new shoes?
Why does my team always lose?

It's not FAIR!!!

...and the book goes on. You can actually watch the whole thing here:

The arguments coupled with the pictures seem so obvious that the claims these kids are making are just silly. Of course your team doesn't ALWAYS lose. Of course you can't have a pet giraffe!

But as an adult we can get caught up into this "It's not fair" game too. I am so guilty of it myself.

Why is their house bigger than ours?
Why does he seem to make so much money and not really work that hard?
Why do their kids get all the good grades? They don't even try as hard as my kids.
Why did his kid make the rep team?
Why are they still together? I worked harder at my marriage than she does...

And the ones I myself get caught into:

Why can't my child struggle less? Why does my child have to have this dreadful diagnosis? Why can't my kid sleep soundly through the night without these awful seizures? Why do I have to be the only one of my friends who has a kid who is "different"?


I found my pregnancy journal tonight. As I read through it, I started to tear up. At the end of EVERY entry I wrote, "grow healthy and strong baby. Mommy will meet you soon!"

All I have ever wanted for any of my children was for them to be healthy. And I worried about it. With every pregnancy. Every single piece of ANYTHING that went into my mouth was considered for it's nutritional value. I'm not saying I was perfect. But I considered everything. Down to not chewing gum because I couldn't find gum without aspartame in it.

Why'd I have the kid with ASD?
Why can't he be healthy and free?


Seizures keep us awake at night,
Every step ahead is always a fight.


Every spare moment spent looking for a cure,
Is what you're doing right? You're never sure.
Only thing you really know, is your love is so pure.

It's not fair.