Wednesday, March 1, 2023

I'm in VEGAS BABY!!!


I am in amazing Las Vegas on the annual R4 (Re/Max Convention).  I am learning a TON and getting very pumped up for my business in 2023.  

My first initial reaction is, "how am I going to have an awesome year?  I've only done 2 deals and it's already March..."  Am I actually serious right now?  I'm wanting to give up the WHOLE year because it's only two months in and I'm not where I want to be?  And if I truly think about it, I'm EXACTLY where I want to be.  I said it would be great to do one transaction per month this year.  And we are literally on March 1.  I did two transactions and we have JUST hit month three...and I'm wanting to throw in the towel already?!  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!  

I am here with my amazing broker, who besides being an amazing human being, is an amazing realtor.  And she is willing to teach and guide and mentor as much as I want her to.  She has very little time - but guess what? Who has LOADS of time?  Homeless people.  And unemployed people.  (And sometimes not even them!)  

So what do I have to do to get all this knowledge and mentorship?  LITERALLY, just show up to the office.  Uhm, WHAT?  Pay money?  Zilch.  Exchange of goods?  Nope.  Referral fees?  Nadda.  

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?  Ah, this is a question I've asked before!  

2023 is the year of Krista.  I declared it at the end of last year.  It's the year I'm focusing on myself.  Healing old wounds, growing myself as a person (well getting smaller really - trying to lose weight I've put on over the years of drowning my anxieties and old traumas with alcohol and food), and focusing on my business.  

I've realized while I'm here that I can't ignore my family either.  I say that 2023 is the year of Krista but in true reality, (I'm just thinking of this now as I'm typing) I want 2023 to be the year of The Birkbecks.  I want ALL of us to be happy.  

I heard someone say yesterday, "you are only as happy as your saddest kid" and that really hit home for me.  Last year was a lot of stress with our boys and their mental health - and it really had an effect on Paul and I as well.  

I need to be the driving force in our family to guide us ALL to have an amazing year. I need to project manage my family!  I need to get everyone on a schedule, I need to get them outside and exercising, and I need to help them manage their goals and where they want to go in life.  Teach them accountability and make them help me be accountable as well!  

I think I will have a goal-setting session with the family when I get home.  We will talk about various facets of their lives and where they want to be at the end of the year. I do not live my life in a vacuum and while I want to make 2023 MY year, I can't do that without my family.  They have to be a part of the plan.  They have to be a part of what is driving me, and driving them! How can I be happy, if they are miserable?!

The truth is, I can't!  I won't be able to focus truly on my business or my own mental health if the world around me is falling apart!  And if I could - how selfish would that be?  And I WANT us all to succeed!  

Okay, I have my mandate for 2023.  The year of The Birkbecks.  

Time to fly into my act.  Time to ROCK and ROLL. 

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