Tuesday, September 26, 2023

When do you call it quits?


Typing the words "when do you call it quits?" and uploading the above picture has my stomach in knots.  

Fundamentally, I don't believe in divorce.  I don't know why.  It's a bit of a mix of getting married before God, and pushing back against the 'just replace it' society that we've become.  I just believe that when two people want to work on something together for the greater good of the marriage and the family, a stronger bond emerges.  And it teaches the children about longevity, loyalty, and not just FINDING the right partner but BEING the right partner.  

But when something so insurmountable presents itself, what are you to do?  What happens when your values no longer line up?  What happens when a compromise is impossible?  I don't want to call it quits, but I simply cannot see a path forward.  

Almost half of my life is tied up in this person.  We have built a family together.  A business, an entire LIFE!  While it feels impossible to continue the way we are, it also feels impossible to separate.  

I've tried so many times to overcome obstacles that we have encountered.  And many times I wondered if staying was the right move.  

It always turns out to be.  I think.  I have a good life.  I'm well taken care of.  Could I be happier?  Do we see staying together long term?  

I can see both sides of it now - which I couldn't before - which I guess it what scares me.  I see leaving as being an easier option than the unknown.  

UGH.  Why doesn't life come with a user manual?!

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