Saturday, December 18, 2010

Who would imagine a King?

I really enjoy singing to my boys.  I especially love singing to them while I am nursing and putting them to bed/sleep.  Last night I sang Kiefer to sleep with Whitney Houston's "Who would imagine a King?" from the movie Preachers Wife. 

I LOVE this song.  I get emotional listening to it, as I think of my boys as my kings.  Okay ya, they aren't "THE King" that she is talking about, but around this castle, they are the Kings! 

The two places I get a little misty are, "You could grow up to be anything..."  I feel like I'm going to be a big part of that.  I'm going to be the one to instill them with knowledge and confidence to get out there and TAKE what they want.  To have the passion and drive to do it. 

The next place I get a bit misty is at the end when she sings, "One day an angel said quietly, soon he would bring something special to me, and of all of the wonderful gifts he could bring, Who would imagine a King?" 

Paul and I experienced a miscarriage our first pregnancy.  I was 10 days away from the 'sacred' 12 week mark.  It ripped my world apart.  I realize now that this is a small tragedy compared to some out there - but at the time, for me, it was HUGE.  I wanted to get pregnant again right away.  Nothing in my world could be right again until I was.  It was only 5 months of trying again, but it seemed like forever, especially with OB's whispering in my ear that I'm going to have problems, so I might as well just get on the drugs now. 

It was the last month of trying on our own.  I didn't feel ready to chart my temperature, take drugs every day, start down such a clinical process.  I thought something "bigger" had His hand in it and I was hoping He would just grant me my wish soon!  Paul was insistant on only taking a pregnancy test when I was over a week late.  Then one night, when I was only 3 days late, I had a vivid dream.  It was a small child, a boy, talking to me.  He was poking me over and over again.  Calling me.  "Mommy.  Mommy.  MOMMY.  Wake up Mommy!"  When I turned to look at him, he said to me, "I came back Mommy, tell Daddy I came back".  

I woke up with a start half wondering if it was a dream or not.  It was 6 am.  I poked Paul and said, "I'm taking a test".  

November 8th, 2004.  The test was POSITIVE.  My little peanut did come back.  I feel like that dream was my angel.   

"One day an angel said quietly, soon he would bring something special to me, and of all of the wonderful gifts he could bring, Who would imagine a King?"

Who knew, 6 years later, I would have THREE Kings. 

I am very blessed. 


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