Friday, December 3, 2010

I hate....I hate...I hate the word hate...but I have a lot of hates today!!!

I hate being late.

I hate being SO late that you miss something entirely.

I hate people standing me up and I HATE when the odd time I do it to others.  (I'm sorry if this was YOU at one point!!!)

I FREAKING *&%#$@!!!! HATE dog poo in my house!

I hate dog poo anywhere but especially in my house.

I hate whining.  I would rather hear CRYING than whining.  (Does that make me a bi*ch?

I hate feeling grumpy.  I want to eat when I feel grumpy. 

I hate stuff going on sale AFTER I buy it.  Even if I can get a price adjustment for the $5, how much is it going to cost me in gas to go back?! 

I hate the price of gas, now especially, but always really.

I hate the dentist.  I mean not him personally, but I hate going.

I hate dry skin.  So dry in the winter that it cracks down to the flesh.  My poor hands and feet.  :(

I hate cold.  I hate cold and wet even more.

I HATE grumpy people when you are shopping. Isn't it FREAKING CHRISTMAS??  Time to be jolly and spread cheer?!  STOP CRUSHING MY CHEER people!  Just stop it!

I hate having to put on airs. (?) Did I say/spell that right?  I hate that i'm a bad speller. 

Phew...I'm feeling a bit better. 

I like being able to vent. 

1 comment:

  1. I kept smiling while reading your hate list.
    I am so there with you on many things. Just vent, we are here to cheer you up.

    I hate people who are late too. The only good thing my mom ever told me was be 5 minutes early than one minute late. I used to have a signature line that said "I was there in time but no one was there to notice."

    I also hate grumpy shoppers but it also makes me very grumpy. So I figured it is best if I avoid them.

    Oh and I HATE the dentist too, or actually going to the dentist. That needed capital letters.
