Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oh what a night!

WHEW!!  What a night!!!  My night started out with my neighbor coming over and telling me she didn't appreciate me shovelling my snow across the street.  I have started to shovel our driveway DOWN the driveway and completely across the street.  I don't leave the snow in the middle of the road like MOST of our neighbors - I figure I would be nice and push it completely across the street.  Well, apparently ONE neighbor doesn't appreciate it.  She told me when the plow comes by, she then has to go dig herself out.  Uhm, we ALL do lady.  None the less I apologized and said,

"well you see the banks are so high I can't lift the snow anymore and I don't really have anywhere else to put it" 

"Well, I know there's no where to put it but then I have to dig myself out.  I only have a tiny little one car driveway so thanks!"

Wait a sec.  I have a THREE car driveway that I shovel out BY HAND, while my kids are napping, or they "help" me doing it all.  Little Miss across the street has a SNOWBLOWER for her ONE car driveway.  So....uhm, you want me to throw my snow, god knows where so you can save an extra 5 minutes using your snowblower on your ONE car driveway?  Seriously?  Am I being punked?  Where's Ashton? 

After that I thought, I'm NOT going to take this out on the kids, so went ahead with our planned "tree decorating".  I had some left over supplies from the Christmas trees (see last post) I had made, so thought, what the heck, let the kids go nuts and decorate them and eat them.  Well, they did have a great time, but the kitchen got TRASHED in the process.  A whole tupperware container of M&M's was TOSSED across the kitchen and spilled everywhere.  To top it all off, Kiefer was REFUSING to eat anything.  (Meaning another night of waking up for both of us....grrrrr.) 

BATH TIME!  I got Kiefer done relatively quickly.  I took Kiefer out and put Parker and Blaine in.  Enter trouble.  I was changing Kiefer into PJ's when I hear Blaine squeel "that's too many bubbles Parker!!!".  I run into the room to find an EMPTY bubble bath container and yes, WAY TOO many bubbles! 

Boys in PJ's.  Boys in BED.  No stories.  No snack. 

B.  E.  D. 

Kiefer didn't seem tired at all so I tried loading a video on my computer only to discover, BRAND NEW laptop (on loan from Paul's work) has a virus.  Will not let me do anything. 

"Please load antivirus software.  Computer is affected"

Okay load software.  Run software.  NOPE.  Not working.

"Software infected.  Please run antivirus software"

THAT IS MY ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE!!!!!  This is getting on my last nerve.  Pull battery and leave computer for lovely computer genius husband to deal with. 

Nurse Kiefer.  Both sides.  TWICE.  Not looking tired ONE BIT.  Almost 9:00.  He's usually alseep by 7:30.  In crib.  Screaming commences.  Door CLOSES.

HUGE SIGH.  Shoulders fall. 

Laundry has been off and on.  Service man 'repaired it' a month ago only to break a few days later.  He came back two days ago and fixed it again.  SO much laundry to do.  On a night like tonight do I dare open the laundry room door? 


WINE.  MUCH WINE IS NEEDED NOW.  Did I mention I am flying solo tonight???

So I thought, what will cheer me up??

Answer: My boys.  Despite the fact they were a part of the stress to begin with, they are what grounds me.  So here, for your viewing pleasure, are their first pictures.  First picture after birth, and first picture clothed.  :-)  I hope you enjoy.  It always brings a smile to my face.




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