Tuesday, April 4, 2023

I don't want to write


I almost always have something to write about.  

It's past midnight on Monday night.  I had a nap today.  Man, that felt good!!  I booked a doctor's appointment for Thursday because I just can't handle these periods anymore.  They are ridiculous.  I bleed through an ULTRA (after super and super plus) tampon and super plus pad in less than an hour the first couple of days of my period.  It does slow down but those first couple of days.  And try having your first couple of days of your SUPER heavy flow period when you have to be on a plane for over 8 hours.  Get up every hour to change your tampon in the world's smallest bathroom?  Or how about when it's an overnight flight and you fall asleep and then bleed through it all - including your pants.  

It's NOT COOL.  Not cool at all.  

So I'm getting a referral back to my OBGYN.  Hopefully, there is a solution that will get rid of periods once and for all.  I'm not having any more kids.  I'm done.  Sadly.  So let's move on with this BLOODY (literally) pain in my ass and get rid of it.  Can we not??

I went to Buffalo with Linda and picked up my new planner.  I'm SOOO excited to start using it!!  I am sort of using both planners this week as I transfer over but we have a FOUR DAY weekend with Easter coming up so I'm super excited to have lots of time at home with my boys and my hobbies.  It will be fun.  

Tomorrow I have an extremely busy day.  I think I have overscheduled myself.  

Parker bought me a hot wheels car that is sponsored by the national federation of the blind.  The packaging has brail on it and so does the car.  The car is all white.  Kind of funny.  I guess it doesn't need to be a colour if the person playing with it is blind.  

I really love it because I love knowing and standing up for the rights of the differently abled.  I liked doing a lot of the work at Georgian College that involved AODA compliance.  Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities.  Perhaps it's because I have a son with disabilities and I never want him to be held back because the world couldn't cater to his needs.  I will change the world for him.  

Well I guess I did write some stuff even for not wanting to write anything.  That's the point.  Whatever little things are bouncing around in my head - get out and I can think and be more present because what was bouncing around is now out.  

I've done my planning.  I've made my lists.  Now time to sign off, do a little meditation and hop into bed with my wonderful hubby.


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