Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Door Knocking and Success


Why does everyone swear by door knocking but no one wants to do it?  

I just watched a YouTube video of some guy who started in real estate and door knocked for 6 hours a day...and he sold 10 homes in his first month.  

Okay so I admit I only went out once, but I got so many doors closed on my face and not ONE lead.  So it's a thick-skin activity for sure.  

I desperately want to be successful.  But I often think about the Erik Thomas video where he drops three truths.  

"1. When you want to be successful as much as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.  
2. To be able at ANY MOMENT, to sacrifice what you are for what you will become.  
3. Pain is temporary.  It may last for a minute, or an hour or a day, or even a year.  But eventually, it will subside.  And something else will take its place.  If I quit, however, it will last forever.  

I dare you to fail.  I dare you to write for a year and get to the end and fail."

They are powerful words.  And they inspire me.  So WHY is it that I feel paralyzed?  What is it that I'm afraid of?  

I'm afraid of looking dumb.  Of feeling dumb.  Of failing.  That horribly uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment.  

But WHY am I embarrassed?  I'm trying to get my name out there for business and I'm doing whatever it takes to get it.  So shouldn't that be something to be proud of?  So what's my issue?!  

I had a coach that said be my authentic self and if door knocking isn't it, then don't do it.  BUT the experts online and in person say it's still the best way to get clients.  


I feel spread too thin.  Paul wants me to be successful but he also wants me at home to play with him whenever he is available and free.  

I just don't know what the answer is.  The truth is - yes I want it all - and I want to work for none of it.  I don't want to diet, I don't want to exercise but I want to be fit and skinny.  I don't want to prospect, I don't want to door knock but I want to be a raging real estate success.  

The problem is the only place success comes before work is the dictionary.  I heard that once, and it sounded super cheesy then...and it does now too.  But it's TRUE!!

I'm going to have to work at things and I don't want to!  WAH!  

I feel like a toddler having a suck attack.  And guess what?  A toddler always calms down and does what they need to - eventually.  

So I guess eventually, I'll do what I need to.  

UGH. Why does work have to be so hard?  

Then I think, should it be this hard?  Should I love every minute of it?  Or just some minutes?  If you are following your passion then you never have to work a day in your life.  So what IS my passion?

I wish I truly knew that.  What makes me happy?  What makes me feel successful?  

Truth is, I don't know.


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