Thursday, April 7, 2011

Clutter - the untold love story

We've moved three times now, as a couple and family.  I myself have moved many many more times than that, as my LOVING father can attest to.  I'm sure my Dad will never forget getting whistled at on Church Street as he moved me into my first downtown apartment.  He was whistled at by another which he responded, "you'll be very safe in this neighborhood Krista".  Gosh I love my dad!  :)  As we all know with moving comes PURGING.  Getting rid of all those items that you haven't really used since the last time you moved.  Generally speaking, I am a tidy person.  I like the look of clean, and am trying very VERY hard to break my "pack rat" ways. 

**As an aside, can I tell you as a good piece of advice, two pack rats should NEVER EVER marry.  I currently have a large box of those mini alcohol bottles (that I am sure most of are older than I am) in my basement.  My husband assures me, that one day they will be worth something.  Worth a damn good night of drinking and a hangover like you've never seen is what I'm thinking!**

But back to "Clutter", I recently had a little get together at our house.  Just a few girls over for a Pampered Chef party.  It's the FIRST get together I've had in our 'not-so-new-anymore' house.  So of course, first impressions are everything, and we have been here for over a year now, so out come the cleaning gloves!

As a part of our last house sale, our real estate agent provided us with a house stager.  She came in and told us all the areas of our house we need to tidy up, or de-clutter, and even gave us tips on what colours of paint to use and what sorts of art were appropriate to hang on the walls.  I tried to take a few of those lessons along with me while I cleaned up for my party. 

CLUTTER.  There should be no clutter on counters, shelves, the floors.  The less clutter you have the bigger your home looks.   So I started looking around.  GEEEEZUS.  There's clutter everywhere! 

Above is a picture of one half of our entertainment unit.  The top shelf boasts a family portrait recently taken.  It was a labour of love.  The hour long photo session consisted of chasing the boys around, begging and pleading for them to stay still long enough to take a decent photograph, and corralling them long enough to not break any of the photographers equipment.  Despite our harrowing experience, we did end up with a decent photograph.  So it's something we look at and laugh. 

Also up there on the top shelf is Parker's hockey trophy.  His first trophy ever.  He's SO proud of it, and as he should be.  Many early weekend morning practices were clocked, a few out of town games, and hours of hard work and determination were invested in getting that trophy.  I hope it's something that he has years to come. 

One of my favorite pieces of art, albeit small, joins the other items on top billing.  A canvas piece that says, "the best things in life aren't things".  After giving birth to my three beautiful and wonderful sons, I couldn't believe that more. 

Move on down and you'll find a "Kiss Me" wooden craft recently painted by my rockstar son, Blaine.  As well as his picture as a baby.  A picture does speak a thousand words doesn't it?  Coupled with those, are a small tile talking about soul mates, that Paul gave me for Valentines day. 

Most touching of my "clutter" on these shelves is a picture of Kiefer on my chest just seconds after being born, VBA2C.  A very proud moment for all of us. 

What other 'clutter' lies around my house??
Our fridge spotted with art projects by the kids, and family pictures. 

Board games that sit on top of our fridge, so we grab them whenever the mood strikes.  Some of the BEST times we have had with the boys have been around our kitchen table playing these games.

Art drawer on our kitchen table with a card that my oldest son Parker has made for his best friend who now lives hundreds of miles away.  :( 

This last item of 'clutter' finally hit me.  I do have clutter.  I have kids so of course I have clutter.  But on top of that, we have memories.  We have tokens of affection.  We have trophies marking our proudest moments. 

All of the sudden I was fine with not having a model home.  You won't find a picture of my living room in an interior decorating magazine.  But I'm okay with that. 

My house is cluttered with LOVE. 

And that kind of clutter is nothing but GOOD.


  1. WoW methinks you should get this in a parenting magazine or something :o) Beautiful writing Kris.

  2. Love this one, Krista! I couldn't agree more! P.S. Our household also has 4 kids and 2 pack rats!
