Monday, May 29, 2023

My Messy Mind

There were so many good images for this one, I had difficulty narrowing it down to just three.  It feels like my mind is racing all the time.  I literally flop into bed at night exhausted and happy just to give my mind a rest.  I fall asleep making mental lists in my mind of what I need to do, what I need to bring up to the trailer, the groceries we need, what real estate work needs to be done, what chores around the house are behind, what friends I need to reach out to, did I drink enough water today?  I never drink enough water.  Am I showing Paul enough affection, do the kids need me more, should I be saving more money for a rainy day, how am I ever going to get more clients and grow my business.  

And this isn't just at bedtime.  (A fly just flew in front of my face and I thought "I need to buy fly strips again") It's ALL.  DAY.  LONG.  And it's exhausting.  I wish I could just focus on ONE task at a time and not have my mind going crazy all day long.  I start a job and then get distracted along the way by something else that needs doing, and start doing that, and then while I'm doing that, get distracted by something else that needs doing and the cycle continues until I happen upon my original task and scold myself for being so disorganized.  

My new planner has been good at helping me stay organized but even while doing this post, I've been distracted several times!  I checked on the sprinkler system to see which station is what, I've opened another tab and checked my email, I've gone to my social media manager and approved posts for June, and looked at my planner (thinking my planner has helped so much) and realized I do not have enough time in the day to finish all that I have scheduled for today.  And I just added a dentist appointment for Kiefer at 5:00 pm.  O.  M.  G.  What is wrong with me?!  How do I quiet the mind?!  (I really need to buy an electric fly swatter)  

(Check email, reschedule therapy appointment for when we are away, run outside and check on station #3 get wet, come back inside back to this post)

See what I ...(look at birds in my bird feeder on the window)...mean?! 

Think about fly swatter again as fly buzzes in the window, check Facebook, wonder if the stove is cool enough to clean the kitchen, wonder if I should go up to the trailer and check on the fridge in the shed, make the bed.  NO!!  I have NO TIME!  Remember THAT Krista?!  

While lying in bed the other day, I actually thought of an awesome journal entry that I remember wanting to explore.  Thinking that there was a lot up in my head I wanted to get out about the subject...except now it's flooded with other thoughts and mess.  

I have been sick this past week so nothing got done at all really.  I did manage to prep some freezer meals and we will be enjoying the first one tonight!  Honey sesame chicken!  We will see how it goes.  (Damn fly) 

Okay that's enough of my messy mind for today.  I have to get to laundry, clean the kitchen, do some real estate work, go for a walk, DRINK WATER, (haven't had a sip yet) and generally keep the house going.  How anyone does all of this with a 9-5 job I have NO idea. 



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