Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Making a change


When searching for a "change" graphic, I saw this one and immediately liked it.  Because making a change is taking a chance.  But, I do strongly believe, it's taking a chance on yourself.  

I've reinvented myself twice now.  Once as a project manager and another time as a real estate agent.  I have loved both jobs for different reasons.  I have won awards being a project manager and an award being a real estate agent.  I have made lifelong friends in both professions and learned a ton from my colleagues.  

But that pull is happening again, and my heart is telling me it's time to make another change.  BUT WHAT?!  Do I go back to what I know with Agile project management, or do I reinvent myself yet again with something new?  And if it's something new, WHAT is that new thing?

I am extremely lucky in that I have a husband that will support me no matter what I do.  If I want to go back to school, he will support that.  If I want to return to project management, he will support that.  It's figuring out the what that has me all kerfuffled.  

I love having the flexibility in my schedule that real estate provides, but I don't love the 'no paycheque' that seems to happen more often than not.  I HATE having to sell myself - door knocking, or doing seminars for rental properties - makes me sick to my stomach.  But when I get a referral from a friend, and I can come in and talk about my services and rental properties, my eyes light up and I'm excited to work for people.  So if people could just give me a call, and I didn't have to do any prospecting at all - my job would be GREAT!  

I'm nervous about getting into a job that has me working 9-5 because I feel like my family and the house need me so much during the day.  Grocery shopping, running errands, cooking and cleaning, managing the kids and their appointments, managing the school schedules and lunches and milk orders and all the such - how am I going to manage that all AND work a full day?!  EVERY day!  It just seems like things will start to fall through the cracks.  

On top of that, I already can't believe that I have a son graduating HIGH SCHOOL and another graduating elementary school.  I won't have any kids in elementary school after June!  That's CRAZY!!!  I feel like they should still be babies!  

I need and want to have something that is all mine and I just don't feel like real estate is it.  But the issue is I don't know WHAT is!  

I need to take a chance on me!  But what is that chance?!  UGH.  I wish someone could just tell me.  

I'm going to take a career test right now and see what it says.  


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