Thursday, February 7, 2013

Penguin Day - part two

I'm not always the most organized when it comes to my kids.  I usually miss the book order deadline, and I'm usually talking in a REALLY sweet voice to the amazing secretary to see if she'll take my late milk order - AGAIN. 

So yesterday I felt pretty darn good about myself when I remembered it's Penguin Day at Kiefer's day care.  They had asked the kids to come dressed up in black and white and I REMEMBERED and put Kiefer in a cute black and white long sleeve.  Yay me!!!

Of course I was completely dumbfounded when I arrived to find everyone in PJ's. 

"Oh today is PJ day.  TOMORROW is black and white day!" 

Shoulder slump.  DANG IT. 

So in an effort to make up for the fact that YET again, my kid wasn't dressed like everyone else, I took the whole penguin thing to another level.  Well, and now his only black and white shirt was dirty!! 

I just googled "penguin" and found a picture I could trace an outline and then added the bow and feet.

I think it turned out pretty good.  Let me know what you think!! 

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