Thursday, June 14, 2012

Facebook Hiatus

Chances are if you're reading this, you're here because you have seen my current Facebook status announcing my hiatus. 

I'm a Facebook addict.  I know it.  Others know it, by the frequency of my posts.  I've been a stay at home mom (SAHM) while consulting for the last SEVEN years.  Seven years is an incredibly long time to be doing anything.  There are hardly any of us who can say they've been at the same job for the last seven years.  I admit, there are 'lifers' out there, but for the most part, we're in an era of change.  Moving forward, changing jobs, getting promoted.  There are no promotions staying at home.  There are also no vacation days, no sick days, no lunch breaks, no coffee breaks.  You're on call 24/7.  It's a tough job.  It's also a GREAT job.  I've seen every first step.  I've heard every first word.  I've taught milestones, witnessed them and in some lucky cases even had the chance to document them here or in photos.  I'm NOT complaining.  But I am ready to move on to the next chapter in my life. 

Facebook has been a GREAT way for me to keep in touch with the 'adult' world.  I've reconnected with old friends, I've made new friends, I've enjoyed jokes and laughs, I've shared in sadness with others - for me it has kept me sane in feeling like I was normal and there were other adults out there feeling my plight. 

The time has come, however, for me to change how I use Facebook.  Change my usage and focus on other things in life.  I love blogging.  I love writing out the days events, sharing the hilarity of my boys.  Please feel free to follow me along in life here.  I'll log into Facebook every now and then but for the most part, it will be something that is phased out. 

My focus now is going to be my career, my boys and my relationship with God. 

I hope you all keep in touch. 

Much love,


  1. Good for you ill always be here for you
    Baker Jen

  2. You can make $20 for filling a 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying me for. They need to know what their customer needs and wants. So these companies pay millions of dollars each month to the average person. In return, the average person, myself included, fills out surveys and gives them their opinion.
