Thursday, May 26, 2011

I don't need a lecture

So for those of you that know me, and heck, even those of you who don't know me, you probably know I'm a very opinionated person.  I'd like to think I have an open mind about most things, but if I have an opinion on it, you'll know it!  LOL

So my latest 'rant' is that of parenting.  What else?!  Here are some tidbits of info about OUR family:

I take my kids to McDonalds.  No we don't order the grill cheese.  We cheeseburger it up, with FRIES.  No I am NOT interested in hearing the merit of being a vegan and NO I do not want to know where my meat comes from.  I am blissfully ignorant. 

I often times give my kids time outs.  I also threaten to spank.  Even though it is so rare, I can probably count on one hand how many times it has happened, I DO spank my kids if they deserve it.  My 19 month old is not going to understand my explanation of why he shouldn't run into the road, but perhaps in his limited understanding, he'll remember the burning on his butt when he approaches the road again.  And let's keep this in perspective people, the little munchkin wears diapers - hello!!  Built in cushion!! 

I yell at my kids.  Probably because I don't discipline as well as I should.  But it's what is done.  I never ever belittle, or talk down to...just yell out of frustration! 

I'm honest with my kids.  I tell them when I need some 'alone time'.  I suggest 'alone time' to them when I think they need it.  More times than not, when I suggest it, they take it.  I don't think it's mean, I think it helps them to understand themselves and their boundaries and set them up for success in dealing with things as an adult. 

I use butter.  I don't use margarine and I again, don't care about the 'milk' issue.  Have you EVER seen mould on margarine?  Uhm, doesn't that concern you AT ALL?!  Your food should be PERISHABLE people. 

I clean with cleaners.  HARSH ones.  I use environmentally friendly stuff wherever I can and whenever I see that it is effective.  But with a household of 4 boys, 1 husband, 1 DOG (who keep in mind does not have shoes that she REMOVES) - I use CHEMICALS on my floors.  If someone can point me to a more environmentally friendly alternative that DISINFECTS and CLEANS just as well, I'm all for it. 

And lastly, I don't take judgement on how you parent or run your household.  Only use vinegar and water on your floors?  Good for you!  Never eaten meat in your life and never want to?!  Congrats!  Wish I was as determined. 

I don't need a lecture.  I don't go out into the world and preach my 'beliefs' so REALLY?!  I don't need one from you. 

I LIKE McDonalds.  I feel like sh*t every time after I eat it, but to me, it's worth it. 

My kids behave better after a time out, or godforbid, a spanking.  It grounds them and reminds them who's the boss.  Perhaps I wouldn't have so many snot nosed teenagers talking back to me at Timmies if they had gotten a few more spanks as a kid.

I'm not afraid to share with you how I parent.  I'd LOVE to hear how you parent your children.  Don't you think we can all learn a thing or two?  But honestly, I don't need a lecture on how poorly I'm doing. 

Don't you think we all just do the best we can with what we are given?  I mean this isn't my front lawn, it's my OFFSPRING.  I would run into a burning building to save them.  Surely to goodness I give them all the love I have each and everyday. 

And I'm sure the same is true for all of us who are parents. 

So pissy old lady in Walmart...keep your comments to yourself.  I'm doing the best I can. 

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