Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuxedos and panic

I'm sure many mothers have had that 'moment' when their child reaches a certain milestone when all of the sudden, it seems like life is just moving too fast.  Or even, you're not quite sure where all the time went and how did you get 'here' so fast?!  A little unsettling feeling in your stomach, you start to get a bit nervous, and all the sudden you're in full on panic mode. 

That moment happened to me the other day.  And like most, it took me completely off guard! 

Parker came up to me and said, "Mom, I have a loose tooth!"

In FULL ON COMPLETE PANIC MODE I shot back, "No you don't." 

No you don't?  That's my reaction to my first borns FIRST loose tooth?  The panic for me was INSTANT.  I remember being in labor.  I remember wondering if it was too early to go to the hospital.  I remember that crazy commando crawl he would do on his belly that we all laughed at.  How could we be here at loose teeth already?!?!

My mind immediately did about 500 jumps in time right up to the point where I was looking at Parker standing at the front of an alter all decked out in a tuxedo.  A handsome and poised young man, exuding the air of success.  He looked over at me and winked, and then his bride took his side.  I was going to lose him one day.  "SHE" would come along and take him away from me.  PANIC sinking in FURTHER.  Starting to sweat now, and butterflies quickly turning into nauseousness. 

Get a hold of this situation Krista, before many more moments slip away! 

I scooped him up onto my lap and asked him, "Which tooth is it sweetie?  Show me". 
He proudly wiggled a front bottom tooth and we had a heart to heart about the tooth fairy and how exciting it was to hit a new milestone in life. 

I'm a long way from winks in tuxedos, but I'm still clinging to every special moment we have.  Panic has put me in my place and I remember once again just how special these moments are.

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