Sunday, November 14, 2010

We're good!

Blaine makes me laugh everyday.  I tell people this, and their immediate response is usually, "like what?" and of course, almost every time, I am at a loss for what to say.  It's one of the MAIN reasons I started this blog.  So I can refer to it and remember why I'm so blissfully happy soaking in my boys each and every day!

Just two minutes ago, Blaine came to me with an action figure (known as "a guy" to my boys) and very concerned asked, "Mom, can Kiefer swallow this?"  While it was on the small side, the 'guy' in question had his arms outstretched to the sides making him a small concern in terms of choking hazzard. 

"No I don't think so" I reply, and Blaine returns to playing with Kiefer. 

I should have sounded more certain.  The next thing I hear is this:

"Kiefer open your mouth"

I quickly poke my head around the corner to find Blaine gingerly placing the small 'guy' in Kiefers mouth, and as I had thought, the outstretched arms couldn't get past Kiefers lips.

Blaine hearing me turns and says,

"We're good Mom"


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