Friday, November 26, 2010

No "F" word in our house!

In our house, we do not like to use the "F" word.  It almost always means there is crying involved, freaking out, and downright melting down.  Yes that's right, in our house it is an almost banned word. 

FERBER.  I do not like it Sam I am.  I do not like Ferber I am. 

Maybe this post is inspired because I just finished rocking my baby to sleep.  A method that took all of 5 minutes.  A firm snuggle, a soothing back and forth rock, and a soft rendition of "You are my sunshine" and 5 minutes later he is in la la land. 

Who of us wouldn't love a warm snuggle on mom's shoulder, her soothing scent and warm voice lulling us into peaceful bliss??  As opposed to a hard cold mattress and wailing it out until you are just too tired to cry anymore and give up...

I admit it, there are those babies (and we've had them!) who just don't care for the rock, don't care for the swaddle, and are sleep resisitant!  Swing?  BAH!  That's nothing compared to their anti sleep powers!  And you gotta do what you gotta do!! 

But today, of all days, when I have a 4 year old birthday party to finish planning, fill loot bags, bake and decorate a batman cake for AND make sure we are ready for the WEDDING that follows that party - I am a little short on time.  But probably the BEST 5 minutes of my day will be that slow soothing rock and singing my, slightly off key, 'You are my sunshine' and kissing the warm cheek of my baby as I lie him down in his crib. 

Maybe Ferber would say it's a waste of precious time.  And he's half right.  It IS precious time and it won't last forever.

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