Wednesday, June 28, 2023

It's SUMMER!!!


Today is the last day of school for Kiefer.  He graduated grade 8 last night and looked so darn proud of himself.  

I wanted him to win an award so badly!  The spirit award or something.  Kiefer brings people together.  It seems like the entire grade 8 class looks out for Kiefer.  There isn't anyone I know of who doesn't like him.  

We went for a walk a couple of weeks ago and it was the day after the high school tour.  As we were walking down the street a group of 4-5 high school kids were walking towards us.  They looked like large strong boys and as we approached, I questioned whether or not I should be nervous.  As soon as we were within earshot, a smile grew across the face of one of the boys and he called out, "HI KIEFER!"   I had NO idea who this kid was.  Kiefer said hi back and after we had passed each other, I asked Kiefer, "Who was that?"  

"Oh I don't know - someone I met at high school yesterday!"  Kiefer is love and warmth and acceptance.  There aren't many people Kiefer doesn't accept warmly into his life.  Kiefer is also happiness and who doesn't love to surround themselves with happiness?  

At graduation, my heart was warmed by how many kids called Kiefer over to be a part of their pictures.  Putting their arms around him and welcoming him into their group.  I wasn't sure if Kiefer had found his 'tribe' yet but it seems that many people will be looking out for Kiefer next year when he starts grade 9.  I'm not sure Kiefer has found his true 'tribe' yet, but I do know he's going to be okay.  I want to wrap him up in bubble wrap and not let the world hurt him or change his giving and loving heart.  

Now starts the "how do I keep them busy" routine of summer.  I plan on spending a lot of time up at the trailer...beach days...maybe some sewing in there.  A ton of reading!  

We need to do some summer bingo...we need to make up a schedule - for everyone so we aren't wasting away our summer days!  We are also planning a trip to Florida!  So we will have to schedule that into our mix as well!  

Every summer I'm a bit nervous as I don't know how it's all going to pan out.  We always seem to survive it all - but this summer I'm really striving for making the MOST of it.  Our trip to Florida may be our last full family trip for a while.  I know Parker is continuing to live at home while he apprentices for my brother and Dad, but he will be working and time off might not come as easily.  Or will he WANT to spend time with us?  

I heard on the radio that this summer is going to be very hot!  That makes me SO happy!!  

Okay well, all this talk of summer has me thinking I need to print Bingo sheets, make a schedule, talk to the boys about the schedule, and get moving!  


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